Journal Scientific Research World Economy EconConnections - ISSNe: 3028-9602

Conflict of interest policy

New Submissions
  1. Declaration of Conflicts of Interest:

    Authors must provide a clear and comprehensive statement of any conflict of interest that may influence the objectivity of the submitted work. This includes financial relationships, employment connections, consultancies, or any personal ties that could impact impartiality.

  2. Reviewers and Editors:

    Reviewers and editors are also required to disclose any potential or actual conflicts of interest when assessing manuscripts. This ensures that the peer review process is unbiased and free from potential biases.

  3. Transparency in Peer Review:

    Policies should emphasize the importance of anonymous and transparent peer review. This ensures that reviewers assess manuscripts objectively without knowing the authors' identities, avoiding potential biases.

  4. Conflict Management:

    The journal should establish clear procedures for addressing identified conflicts of interest. This may include excluding reviewers or editors with potential conflicts and carefully reviewing the involvement of authors with related interests.

  5. Disclosure of Funding Sources:

    The importance of authors providing detailed disclosure of external funding sources for their research should be highlighted. This is done to ensure transparency and a complete understanding of financial support associated with the study.

  6. Prohibition of External Influences:

    Policies must clearly state that no external entity, whether a sponsor, institution, or individual, should exert undue influence on editorial decisions, article content, or any other aspect of the publication process.

  7. Ethical Responsibility:

    Authors, reviewers, and editors should commit to following ethical practices at all stages of the publication process. This includes submitting accurate data and proper attribution of sources.

  8. Training and Awareness:

    The journal may provide guidance and periodic training to authors, reviewers, and editors on identifying and managing conflicts of interest.

  9. Continuous Review and Update:

    Interest policies should be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure alignment with best practices in scientific publication ethics.