Journal Scientific Research World Economy EconConnections - ISSNe: 3028-9602

Rules for Author(s)

New Submissions

Copyright Notice(s)

All applicant and signatory authors must send the Letter of originality, conflict of interest and assignment of copyright; which will enter into force at the time of publication if it is accepted.

The works published in this journal are subject to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright and publishing rights.
  2. The works are published in the electronic edition of the Journal under a license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0); which allows reusers to "distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, as long as attribution is given to the creator." The license allows commercial use.


  1. Only unpublished and original works will be accepted.
  2. Articles or scientific papers may be submitted in: Spanish or English. 

The manuscripts will have an extension of between 12 to 20 pages approximately.

  1. The original article is presented according to the following order and structure: 
  • Article title, as original and precise as possible, written first in Spanish and then in English, containing no more than 12 words in length. If the article is in English, only the title and abstract in English are considered.
  • Names and Surnames of the signatory persons, considering the form of signature for indexing in international databases.
  • Email, of each author.
  • ID Orcid, each author (s) must indicate their ORCID and is responsible for their UPDATE, since their Curriculum Vitae appears there with their information as a researcher.
  • Professional affiliation, of each of the authors and country.


 Xxxxxx Yyyyyyyy Zzzzzzz

xxxxxx @ yyyy.zzz


Xxxxxxxx Yyyyyyyy Zzzzzz. País 

    • Abstract of the article (in Spanish and English), will have a maximum length of 200 words.
    • Keywords (in Spanish and English), will be specified until 5 keywords with a minimum of 4 words. In this case, the UNESCO Thesaurus:
Unesco vocabulary
  • Text of the original article

The scientific article will follow the following structure:

  1. Abstrac
  2. Introduction
  3. Material and methods
  4. Results
  5. Discussion
  6. Conclusions
  7. References

In the case of:

  • Review article
  • Meta-analysis article
  • Case study
  • Technical note
  • Letter to the editor

Those stipulated in the APA 7th edition standards are considered, considering the following content in the structure:

  • Abstrac
  • Introduction
  • Conclusions
  • References
  1. All work must follow the writing rules of the current APA standards (APA 7th ed). An example of a bibliographical reference is shown below:

Keeney, K. P. (2018). Public Higher Education Institutions’ Investment in Performing Arts Centers. Journal of Arts Management,  Law & Society, 48(1), 44 –56.


  • Font Time New Roman number 11 for the body and number 11, bold and centered for the titles. Justified text, without indentation, written in one column with space and a half spacing (1 ½) and with space after each paragraph.
  • The page size should be A4, set with the following margins:


2.5 cm


2.5 cm


2.5 cm


2.5 cm

  • All pages, including the page of references, they must be numbered with the upper right Arabic system.
  • Bibliographic citations according to APA 7th ed.
  • Boards: They must be numbered according to their order of appearance in the text according to APA 7th ed.
  • Figures: They must be numbered according to their order of appearance in the text according to APA 7th ed.
  • Abbreviations: Only universally accepted standard abbreviations should be used according to APA 7th ed.


The signatories must send the letter of originality, conflict of interest and assignment of copyright.

Works published in this Journal Scientific Research World Economy EconConnections are subject to the following terms:

    1. Authors retain copyright and publication rights.
    2. The works are published under a License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). They can be copied, used, disseminated and publicly exhibited, provided that: The authorship and original source of their publication is cited, they are not used for commercial purposes, the existence and specifications of this use license are mentioned. 


Submitting an article or research paper for publication authorizes the Journal Scientific Research World Economy EconConnections to reproduce it by any means or support and at the time it deems appropriate. The acceptance of a work for publication assumes that the authors assign the editing, printing, production, dissemination and distribution rights to the Journal Scientific Research World Economy EconConnections as a publication of the journal.

The reception of a work does not imply the commitment of publication by the Journal.


Names and email addresses entered in Journal Scientific Research World Economy EconConnections will be used exclusively for the purposes stated therein..